Dear First Baptist Family,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior.
I trust that you are holding fast in the faith.
During this pandemic, the changes in your lifestyle are certainly causing emotional and psychological challenges. I hope that your spiritual strength enables a balance that keeps you whole. If you need some support or special help, don’t be too proud to reach out. Remember, we are family—we need and support one another.
Let us meet together again this coming Sunday for our on-line worship service at 10:00 am. We are constantly seeking to perfect the technology to improve quality and easy access.
Sunday, April 19, 2020 Worship Service (Conference Call)
10:00 am (start dialing in at 9:45 and wait for the call to begin)
*Dial-in Improvement:
We have a new phone number (351) 999-4483 that takes you directly into the conference call—no access code!
If you have trouble getting into the call, dial one of the following numbers:
*(701) 779-9441 Please note: Number has been corrected
However, you need to use an access code (873571#) for those four numbers.
- Do not announce yourself when you call in. The host will mute all callers before the service begins.
- Use a phone you are familiar with to better facilitate your call.
The above information should also be on our website:
Wednesday, April 22 Prayer Meeting (Conference Call)
7:00 pm (call in at 6:45pm)
Dial: (351) 999-4483
Access Code: No access code