To participate in-person worship services the following must be strictly adhered to:
- Registration is required. You may register in two ways:
Online at https://fbcregistration5122.eventbrite.com or call the church office and leave your name and state that you will be attending service.
Registration is due no later than each Wednesday before Sunday service. NO EXCEPTIONS.
The deadline for May 1, 2022 service is Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
The capacity for participation in service is 75. Once that number has been reached, registration will be closed. - You must enter the church through the main lobby on New Hampshire Avenue. Only physically challenged members may use the elevators. Only three members may use the elevator at one time.
- Temperatures will be taken upon arrival.
- You must sign and complete a waiver.
- Masks must be worn at all times.
- Physical distancing must be practiced at all times.
- Once service is over, members are asked to leave promptly.
- Failure to follow this process will prohibit you from worshipping in-person.
Online giving and mailing in of tithes and offering is strongly encouraged.
Fully vaccinated members are encouraged to attend in-person.
Those unvaccinated are encouraged to worship online.
If you are not feeling well, please worship online.